You can travel from 9:30 am to 05:00 pm on normal working days.
Flex traffic is adapted to accessibility, which means that anyone who has difficulty getting around in other ways has the opportunity to travel with the bus.
Areas to travel between
The bus serves the areas of:
- Aggerud
- Bråten
- Centrum
- Löten
- Rävåsen
- Sandviken
- Stråningstorp
It operates between specified stops. It will pick you up and drop you off at the stops you requested when you make your reservation.
Price and payment for Flex traffic
Flex traffic costs exactly the same as ordinary city buses and you can use the same type of tickets.
If you show your appointment letter on the way to see a caregiver and your receipt on the way home, you can travel free of charge.
Reserving and cancelling Flex traffic in Karlskoga
Call the Order Centre to book your trip. You can book your trip up to 14 days in advance, but no later than 30 minutes before your desired departure.
We tell you immediately the approximate time you will be picked up. The time may change later on if more people make reservations.
To see where the Flexbus is located, you can download our app, Serviceresan. You can then view the bus on a map ten minutes before departure.
Download the Serviceresan app for iPhone
Download the Serviceresan app for Android
We recommend that you register with Flex traffic the first time you make a reservation. All you need to give us is your name and telephone number. Registration will make things easier the next time you use the service but is not compulsory.
Contact information for the Order Center
Phone: 0771 - 92 00 00
Text telephone: 019-670 25 07,
Visiting address: Klostergatan 23, Örebro
Mailing address: Serviceresor, Region Örebro län, Box 1613, 701 16 Örebro