Geographic validity
To find the right ticket for you, you need to start from the area you plan to travel in.
Area: City, regional and express buses and trains throughout the whole of Örebro County. You can travel with Närtrafik. You can use a County Ticket if you want to travel with the following train companies within Örebro County:
- Tåg i Bergslagen (TiB)
- Västtåg/Kinnekulletåget
- SJ Regional - only with the validity for 30-days and 30 days Off-peak
Valid across the county border to:
- Arboga - Lindesberg on route 351
- Filipstad - Kristinehamn on route 400 (Värmlandstrafik)
- Filipstad - Hällefors on route 407 (Värmlandstrafik)
- Grängesberg - Kopparberg on route 360
- Grängesberg with Tåg i Bergslagen
- Götlunda - Örebro on route 321
- Kristinehamn - Karlskoga on route 500 (Värmlandstrafik)
- Kristinehamn with city buses (Värmlandstrafik)
- Kristinehamn – Degerfors on route 503 (Värmlandstrafik)
- Ludvika with Tåg i Bergslagen
- Skinnskatteberg with Tåg i Bergslagen
- Storfors - Karlskoga on route 403 (Värmlandstrafik)
- Värmlandstrafik's buses within Karlskoga
If you travel across the county border, you must be able to present a receipt for your activated ticket.
Validity and price: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days and 30 days Off-peak.
An District - for commuting within a limited area
Örebro County is divided into six ticket areas:
- District A - Ljusnarsberg municipality and Hällefors municipality
- District B - Lindesberg municipality and Nora municipality
- District C - Örebro municipality
- District D - Lekeberg, Kumla and Hallsberg municipalities
- District E - Laxå municipality and Askersund municipality
- District F - Karlskoga municipality and Degerfors municipality
Geographical validity: Depends on which District is selected. Click on an area in the list above to get more information about the geographical validity of that specific area.
Validity and price: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days and 30-days Off-peak.
Two districts
We offer seven variants with double areas:
- District A + B - Hällefors, Lindesberg, Ljusnarsberg and Nora municipality.
- District A + F - Degerfors, Hällefors, Karlskoga and Ljusnarsberg municipality.
- District B + C - Lindesberg, Nora and Örebro municipality.
- District B + F - Degerfors, Karlskoga, Lindesberg and Nora municipality.
- District C + D - Hallsberg, Kumla, Lekeberg and Örebro municipality.
- District D + E - Askersund, Hallsberg, Kumla and Lekeberg municipality.
- District D + F - Degerfors, Hallsberg, Karlskoga, Kumla and Lekeberg municipality.
- District E + F - Askersund, Degerfors, Karlskoga and Laxå municipality.
Geographical validity: Depends on which area is selected. Click on the area you are interested in in the list above to read more about validities and prices.
Validity and price: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days and 30-days Off-peak.
City - for commuting in a city
Area: City buses in the centre of Örebro or Lindesberg. You choose one city per ticket.
Validity and price: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30-days och 30-days Off-peak.
Municipality of Karlskoga
Geographical validity: City and regional bus Karlskoga municipality. Also applies to Local Services (Närtrafik).
Validity and price: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days and 30 days low price.
1-2 zones - for commuting a short distance
Geographical validity: You can travel with both bus and train, between two specific locations in the county. You can also travel by city bus if it is adjacent to the route. You can use Närtrafik if you have a flex 10/40.
To be able to purchase the ticket, your trip must not exceed two zones. Geographically, two zones are approximately 6 km. Use our travel planner to check if your trip can be purchased as a 1-2 zone ticket.
Validity and price: Flex 10/40 and 30-days.
Örebro + Värmland - for commuting between counties
Geographical validity: The entire Örebro County and Värmland County. Within Örebro County, you can travel using city and regional transport (buses and trains) throughout the county. You can travel by train within Örebro County with:
- Tåg i Bergslagen (TiB)
- Västtågen/Kinnekulletåget
You can travel across the county border with:
- Regular route 500 between Örebro - Karlskoga - Karlstad
- Vy buses that run between Örebro - Karlskoga - Kristinehamn - Karlstad
Validity and price: 30-days. Young person and adult. Applies to the entire traffic day Monday to Sunday and public holidays.
You can purchase the ticket from our sales agents, in our web shop, or from our customer service at the Travel Centre in Örebro.
Travelling with a Vy bus
Travelling with a Vy bus works like a regular regional bus. As a passenger, you show your ticket and receipt to the driver when you board. The driver will direct you to the correct seat on board. The receipt must have a valid date. If it does not, the driver may deny you boarding.
The conditions for a fully occupied bus are the same as in Örebro County. As a passenger, you are not guaranteed a seat on board. Those who board first have priority. Since Vy is a commercial operator, they have the right to prioritize their own paying passengers. Other passengers can ride if there is space available.
Travelling in Värmland
You travel in the same way as in Örebro County. As a passenger, you hold the ticket up to the ticket machines available on board. Inspectors will also be able to scan the ticket during an inspection.
Find your departure time
If you are travelling with our buses or trains within the county, you can find departure times here on the website or in our app.
Travel planner via the homepage
If you are travelling with Vy, you can use Vy's website to see the bus schedules.
Single ticket - for single journeys
Area: City buses, regional buses, Local Service (Närtrafik), trains within Örebro county and bus across the county boarder. It is not possible to travel on regional buses within Örebro if the bus stop is used by a city bus.
Are you going to travel by Tåg i Bergslagen or Västtåg/Kinnekulletåg; you can travel with:
You can use a single ticket across the county border to:
- Arboga - Lindesberg on route 351
- Grängesberg - Kopparberg on route 360
- Götlunda - Örebro on route 321
Validity and price: Single tickets are valid for one-way trips between two specific stops. If you are travelling by city bus within Örebro or Lindesberg city, you can transfer to another bus or make a return trip within 1 hour using the same ticket. The same applies if you are traveling by city and regional bus within Karlskoga municipality.
Single tickets within the urban area of Lindesberg or Örebro have a fixed price. The same applies to single tickets within the urban area and municipality of Karlskoga.
You buy the single ticket cheapest:
The price for a single ticket on a regional or express bus is easiest to find by searching for your journey using our travel planner.
Buy your single ticket for Närtrafik:
- via our app
- in the vehicle with a debit card
The minimum age limit for travel without a guardian / adult with Närtrafik is 12 years.
Transfer deduction - Övergång
You can make a transfer deduction when continuing your journey or returning with a regional bus. If you plan to travel with transfers between regional and/or express buses, we recommend that you purchase the entire route on the first bus.
Time validity
You can choose between different time validities for our tickets. The range of time validities varies depending on the geographical validity you have selected.
24 hours
If you choose a ticket valid for 24 hours, the following applies:
- Can be purchased for an young person 7-19 years, student 20+, adult 20+ or family.
- The ticket is non-personal for the price groups young person 7-19 years and adult 20+. The ticket is personal for the price groups student 20+.
- It can be used by one traveller at a time except if you choose to travel as a family.
The last journey must start before the validity period has expired, but can end after the validity period has expired.
All tickets valid for 24 hours are available for purchase:
- Using our app - as a digital ticket
- At one of our sales agents - for loading Travel Cards
- Via our customer service at the Central Station in Örebro - where you can load the ticket travel cards
- Load your travel card on board the bus using bank card. Only on the city busses in Lindesberg and the regional busses within the county. For loading travel cards
If you purchase the ticket using our app, it will be activated immediately on purchase.
Flex 10/40
Valid for 10 travel days, where each travel day is valid for unlimited travel for 24 hours within the selected geographical area. The 40-day period starts at the time of purchase. You choose when you want to use your 10 travel days within a 40 day period.
If you choose a ticket with validity flex 10/40, the following applies:
- Can be purchased for young person 7-19years, student 20+ and adult 20+.
- The ticket is non-personal for the price groups young person 7-19 years and adult 20+.
- The ticket is personal for the price group student 20+.
- Can be used by one traveller at a time
- The ticket is only available for purchase in the app.
- Your first travel day starts immediately upon purchase. You can choose when to start the remaining days yourself, but they must be used within your 40-day period.
30 days
If you buy a ticket valid for 30-days, the following applies:
- All 30-days run consecutively
- You can buy the ticket for young person 7-19years, student 20+ or adult 20+
- The ticket is non-personal for the price groups young person 7-19 years and adult 20+.
- The ticket is personal for the price price student 20+.
- Can be used by one traveller at a time
If you want to load the ticket on a travel card, you can buy several periods at the same time. You must choose the start date for the periods at the time of purchase. The ticket is activated at the time of purchase. You can also choose another start date in connection with the purchase.
If you buy in the app, the period starts immediately upon purchase. You can not buy several season tickets at the same time.
Season tickets valid for 30-days can be bought:
- In our app
- In our web shop
- As a subscription (information in Swedish)
- At our Customer Service at the Central Station in Örebro
- On the bus if you pay with a credit card or bank card. Only available at the city buses in Lindesberg or our regional buses.
30 days Off-peak
If you choose a ticket with a valid 30-day Off-Peak, you can travel:
- Monday - Friday at 09.00 am to 03.00 pm and after 05.30 pm
- the whole of Saturday, Sunday and public holidays
If you choose a ticket 30 days Off-peak, the following applies:
- All 30 days run consecutive
- You can buy the ticket for either young person 7-19 years or adult 20+
- The ticket is non-personal for the price groups young person 7-19 years and adult 20+.
- The ticket is personal for the price group student 20+.
- Can be used by one traveller at a time.
If you want to load the ticket on a travel card, you can buy several periods at the same time. You must choose the start date for the periods at the time of purchase. The ticket is activated at the time of purchase. You can also choose another start date in connection with the purchase.
If you buy in the app, the period starts immediately upon purchase. You can not buy several season tickets at the same time.
Tickets valid for 30 days Off-peak can be bought:
- In our app
- In our web shop
- As a subscription (information in Swedish)
- At our customer service at the Central Station in Örebro
- On the bus if you pay with a credit card or bank card. Only available at the city buses in Lindesberg or our regional buses.
Single journeys
Single tickets are valid for one-way trips between two specific stops. If you are traveling by city bus within Örebro or Lindesberg city, you can transfer to another bus or make a return trip within 1 hour using the same ticket. The same applies if you are traveling by city and regional bus within Karlskoga municipality.
Single tickets for Närtrafik are valid for your booked trip.
The price is based on the geographic validity, time validity, and price group you choose.
If you want to know what the tickets cost per period, search for your trip via our journeyplanner. Search for the desired route and you will find the price for that particular route.
Find out the price via: