If you wish to travel using the Transportation Service you will need a permit. The permit for Transportation Service (Färdtjänst) applies to journeys within the entire Örebro county and 30 km outside the county border. If you need to make longer journeys, you can apply for the National Transport Service (Riksfärdtjänst).
Information about National Transport Service (Riksfärdtjänst).
Apply for a permit
In the county of Örebro, it is Region Örebro län that handles applications and decides on permits. Information about what is required to be able to use the Transportation Service is available at 1177 Healthcare Guide (information in Swedish only)
You can apply for a Transportation Service permit via 1177 Healthcare Guide e-services. (Information in Swedish only)
If you want to apply for a monthly pass for work, position as an elected representative or for study purposes, you can do it at 1177.
Information about what is required to be able to use the Transportation Service and how to apply.
Contact information for Transportation Service
Phone: 0771 - 92 00 00 - press 5
Email: fardtjanstenheten@regionorebrolan.se
If you email us, please do not attach any files to your email. For security reasons, we cannot open attached files.
Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm, excluding public holidays.
Visiting address: Klostergatan 23
Mailing address: Serviceresor, Region Örebro län, Box 1613, 701 16 Örebro