New timetables from 15 December
New timetables from 15 December. Stay updated and plan your trip in Länstrafiken's app or on lanstrafiken.se.
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Season Ticket - Select area
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: City, regional buses and trains available in the area.
Price: Prices vary depending on selected validity and price group. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: Select validity for Lindesberg city or Örebro city.
Price: Prices vary depending on which city/municipality you choose. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: Municipality of Karlskoga
Price: Prices vary depending on which city/municipality you choose. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: City and regional traffic available in the area. Regional traffic includes regional and express buses and trains.
Price: Prices vary depending on selected validity and price group. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
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