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Train number 8168 is not available in our travel planner

At the moment, we are not displaying TiB's train 8168 in our travel planners.

There is a departure at 09:54 from Örebro to Gävle that we currently cannot display in our travel planners. This is because TiB has introduced replacement buses on parts of the route and has entered this information into their system in a way that does not sync with our system. TiB currently has no possibility to adjust this.

To avoid incorrect information in our systems, we have temporarily removed the departure from our travel searches via app and web. We expect the departure to be visible again in our travel planners no later than 7 August, provided no unforeseen events occur. In the meantime, if you need information about this departure or want to buy a ticket, please refer to SJ and TiB, where the correct information is available.

SJ's website

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