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Fees for Transport service and Patient Transports will be increased 1 February

The high-cost threshold for Patient transports is also increased by 15 percent.

Transportation service

You who have a permit for Transport service (färdtjänst) pay the same fee for Patient transports as for Transport services. The fee depends on how long the journey is. The lowest fee will be 50 SEK and the highest 160 SEK.

Patient Transport

You who have a permit for Patient Transport pay 160 SEK in fee, regardless of how long the trip is. The high-cost threshold, the highest cost you pay during a year, is also increased. Previously, the high-cost threshold was 1 925 SEK per year. The new high-cost threshold for Patient Transport will be 2 215 SEK.

Below, you can see what the previous fee for Transport service was and what the new fees will be from 1 February 2025.


Fee 2024

New fee from 1 February 2025

0-15 km

44 SEK

50 SEK

>15-25 km

55 SEK

65 SEK

>25-35 km

66 SEK

75 SEK

>35-45 km

77 SEK

90 SEK

>45-55 km

83 SEK

95 SEK

>55-65 km

88 SEK

100 SEK

>65-75 km

94 SEK

110 SEK

>75-85 km

99 SEK

115 SEK

>85-95 km 

105 SEK

120 SEK

>95-105 km

110 SEK

125 SEK

>105-115 km

115 SEK

135 SEK

>115-125 km

121 SEK

140 SEK

>125-135 km

127 SEK

145 SEK

>135-145 km

132 SEK

150 SEK

>145 km

138 SEK

160 SEK