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You can for example, look up bus times for your journey and find the best ticket option. You can also buy tickets or find your nearest point of sale. You will also find information about the Service Travel and much more.

Accessibility at Länstrafiken Örebro's website

Länstrafiken, which is part of Region Örebro County, is the organisation behind this website. In this accessibility report the only organisational name that will be used is Länstrafiken Örebro.

We would like as many people as possible to be able to use the website. This document sets out how Länstrafiken Örebro meets the legal stipulations regarding access to digital public services. It also presents any known accessibility problems and explains how you can report shortcomings, thus allowing us can rectify them quickly and appropriately.

The website was launched on 18 February 2018.

This statement was last updated on 8 January 2025.

Accessibility at Länstrafiken Örebro's website
  • How accessible is the website?

    We are aware that certain parts of the website are not fully accessible. For further information, see the section below dealing with content that is not accessible.

  • What you can do if you are unable to use parts of the website

    If you need content from Länstrafiken Örebro that is not accessible to you, but which is exempted from the application area covered by law as described below, you can use the contact form available on each individual page here on the website. The contact form can be found at the bottom of each page and also on this page. We will respond within one day, Monday to Friday (not including public holidays), and we will start dealing with your matter as soon as possible. The time it takes depends on the nature of the matter. It is always our ambition to help you as quickly as we can.

  • Report shortcomings in website accessibility

    We constantly endeavour to improve the accessibility of the website. If you discover problems that are not described on this page, or if you feel that we are not fulfilling our statutory obligations, you can use the contact form that can be found at the bottom of each page on the website. You can find the contact form at the bottom of the contents pages and also on this page. By reporting to us you will help us to identify any problems that we can then rectify.

  • Supervisory and regulatory authority

    The Digital Management Authority is responsible for supervisory and regulatory oversight with regard to access to digital public services. If you are not satisfied with the way in which we address your views, you can contact the Agency for Digital Government and let them know the nature of your grievance.

  • Technical information about the accessibility of the website

    This website is only partly compatible with the Digital Public Services Accessibility Act due to the shortcomings described below.

  • Content that is not accessible – Lack of compliance with legal requirements

    Timetables in PDF format. If you choose to download a timetable as a PDF, it will not be optimal for reading. Instead, we recommend that you use our Journey Planner here on the website or on the app.

    Journey Planner on the website

    Route maps in PDF format. The route map for Örebro and Karlskoga and Örebro County are at present not optimal for reading. We recommend that you use the designated page for each route for further information, or contact our Customer Service for assistance with the route in question. 

    Contact information for our Customer Service

  • Unreasonably burdensome adaptation

    Länstrafiken Örebro adduces exceptions due to unreasonably burdensome adaptation pursuant to Section 12 of the Digital Public Services Accessibility Act in respect of the content below.

    The programme for booking group travel for schools and our webshop will require a great deal of work in order to make rectifications. We are currently working on solutions for these programs. 

  • Content not covered by the Act

    The content set out here is not fully accessible but is exempted under Section 9 of the Digital Public Services Accessibility Act.

    • The maps on the Länstrafiken website have been adapted to facilitate access. The essential information on the Länstrafiken maps is provided in another accessible digital manner here on the website. This  explains why the Act does not apply to these particular maps in accordance with the web directive.
  • How we have tested the website

    We have carried out a self-assessment (internal testing) of Länstrafiken Örebro. The most recent assessment was made on 14 January 2020 and was approved by the Marketing, Traffic, and Community Planning Section, Regional Development at Region Örebro County.

    The review methods have made use of automated tools as well as a manual review by experts with and without tools. The tool in this case was the Jaws screen reader.

    In spring 2020 an extensive accessibility was conducted by an independent party: Usability Partner. This analysis showed that the website complies with the directives, with the exception of certain parts that we have explained in this accessibility statement. There were some directives to look at, but no requirements, and these we take with us.

Accessibility report app Länstrafiken Örebro

It describes the shortcomings of accessibility in our app and how we plan to fix them. You will also receive information on how you can contact us if you discover deficiencies in the app.

Read more about current app availability
  • What you can do if you can not use parts of the app

    We work continuously with improvements and to ensure the app's availability and would like information if you discover deficiencies so that we can fix them.

    If you discover problems that are not described on this page, let us know so we know the problem exists.

  • Supervision

    The authority for digital administration is responsible for supervising publishers on access to digital public services.

    If you are not satisfied with how we handle your views, you can contact the Digital Administration Authority and report it.

    Digital Administration Authority website

  • Technical information about the app's availability

    Here we describe the availability shortcomings that are in the app for iOS or Android.

    Problems with use without vision

    • There are content-bearing images that lack alternative text. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • There is a lack of correct focus order in many places in the app. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • There are links and buttons whose link text is not clear enough. The legal requirement is partially met.
    • Some prompts are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • Some error messages are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.

    Problems with use with visual impairment

    • There are content-bearing images that lack alternative text. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • There is a lack of correct focus order in many places in the app. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • There are links and buttons whose link text is not clear enough. The legal requirement is partially met.
    • Some prompts are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • Some error messages are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.

    Problems with use with impaired color vision

    • There is text, links, focus markings and graphics in the app, some colors and requirements for contrasts are not met. The legal requirement is partially met.
    • There is a lack of correct focus order in many places in the app. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • Some error messages are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.

    Problems with use with impaired fine motor skills or strength

    • The app does not support horizontal position. The legal requirement is not met. We invoke unreasonably burdensome customization in the existing app.
    • There is a lack of correct focus order in many places in the app. Some parts meets the legal requirement.
    • There is text, links, focus markings and graphics in the app, some colors and requirements for contrasts are not met. The legal requirement is partially met.

    Problems with use with reduced mobility

    The app does not support horizontal position. The legal requirement is not met. We invoke unreasonably burdensome customization in the existing app.

    Problems with cognitive impairment

    • There is a lack of correct focus order in many places in the app. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • There are links and buttons whose link text is not clear enough. The legal requirement is partially met.
    • Some prompts are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
    • There is text, links, focus markings and graphics in the app, some colors and requirements for contrasts are not met. The legal requirement is partially met.
    • Some error messages are not clear enough. Some parts meet the legal requirement.
  • Unreasonably burdensome adjustment

    We invoke unreasonably onerous adaptation in accordance with section 12 of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Service for the use of the app in a horizontal position. When your device is rotated 90 degrees, the content of the app is not adapted to the horizontal position. We invoke unreasonably burdensome adaptation as adaptation would be a very costly investment and involve maintenance and work for which we do not currently have the capacity.

    You can always get the information you request regarding information about how our traffic is run by contacting us.

  • Content not covered by the law

    The content described here is not fully accessible, but is exempted according to section 9 of the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services.

    • Map functions. The app's map functions are not used for navigation, and corresponding information contained in the map can also be found in other formats in other parts of the app.
  • How we have tested the app

    The app has been tested through a self-assessment made by Infospread Euro AB. The app has been reviewed based on the international guidelines for accessibility, WCAG 2.1 level AA.

    The review has taken place through a combination of manual evaluation and automatic evaluation using various tools to measure availability.

    The last assessment was made on June 2, 2021.

    Consid AB has conducted an independent review that has led to one documentation with improvement measures we are working to introduce.

    Infospread Euro AB reviews the app on an ongoing basis and corrects deficiencies in accessibility.

Availability of the Service journey app

We have an app for you who want to book Service Travel trips and more. It is the Serviceresan app and the website serviceresan.lanstrafiken.se.

Website: serviceresan.lanstrafiken.se.

We are aware that some parts of both the app and the web version, are not fully accessible.

The last review was on September 25, 2023.

The report was updated on September 25, 2023.

Accessibility of the Service Travel app
  • Technical information about accessibility for web version

    The website is partially compliant with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. There is content that is not available. We will redesign the web version to meet the existing requirements. The deficiencies become apparent when you, as a user, utilize the screen-reading feature

    Use without visual impairment

    • In the web version, the main part of the page itself is set to an interactive element. This is done so that the tab function to get directly to the content will work. WCAG 2.4.3 (A)
    • The code does not fully validate on all pages, this can make it difficult for some assistive devices. The validation errors that exist come from Google Maps, the choice of framework and content. None of the validation errors that exist have been noted to interfere with assistive devices in the current situation. WCAG 4.1.1 (A)

    Use with reduced mobility, fine motor skills or strength

    On the web version, the main part of the page itself is set to an interactive element. This is done so that the shortcut to get directly to the content, when the visitor navigates via keyboard, will work. WCAG 2.4.3 (A)

  • Technical information about accessibility in iOS

    The website is partially compliant with the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. There is content that is not available.

    Use with reduced mobility, fine motor skills or strength

    We use standard iOS components, but it is not possible to remove travelers and agents with an external keyboard. This is a limitation of iOS on iPhone. If you are dependent on using a keyboard, in the web version it is possible to remove travelers and agents using only the keyboard. WCAG 2.1.1 (A)

    We have used the iOS default focus, this makes it difficult to see where the focus is in some cases. For example, keyboard focus is difficult to indicate some buttons and icon buttons. If the user changes the keyboard settings on accessibility in iOS system settings and selects high contrast, the contrast is clear. WCAG 2.4.7 (AA)

  • Technical information about accessibility in Android

    The Android mobile application is partially compliant with the law on accessibility to digital public services. Which content is not available is described below.

    Use without visual impairment

    On news under help, the actual content of the news is set as an interactive element, i.e. keyboards can tap into it and screen readers are informed that they can activate it by double-clicking on it, even if there is no link in the text. This is so that any link in the text is clickable. WCAG 2.4.3 (A)

    Use with impaired vision

    When the user increases the font size or display size in accessibility settings in Android, long links or email addresses on the "contact us and feedback" page force the user to scroll in two directions WCAG 1.4.10 (AA)

    Use with reduced mobility, fine motor skills or strength

    We use standard components in Android, but it is not possible to add favourite addresses in the app with an external keyboard. If you depend on using a keyboard, you can either call Customer Service and add the favourite address or do it via the web version. WCAG 2.1.1 (A)

    On news under help, the actual content of the news is set as an interactive element. Keyboards can miss it, and screen readers are told they can activate it by double-clicking it, even if there isn't a link in the text. This is so that any link in the text is clickable. WCAG 2.4.3 (A)

    We have used material design's standard focus. This can cause displaying objects when they have focus to not meet 1.4.11 Contrast on non-text. WCAG 2.4.7 (AA), WCAG 1.4.11 (AA)

  • Report deficiencies in accessibility

    We want to constantly improve both the Serviceresan app and its web version. If you discover problems that are not listed on this page, please contact us so we know the problem exists. This also applies if you think that we do not meet the requirements of the law.

    If you cannot access the information you need from the Serviceresan app or the web version serviceresan.lanstrafiken.se, contact our Order Center.

    Contact details for the Order Centre.

  • Supervision

    The Digital Governance Authority has oversight responsibility for the Act on Accessibility to Digital Public Services. If you are not satisfied with how we handle your views, you can contact the Myndigheten för digital förvaltning Digital Governance Authority and raise this issue.

    Web site for Myndigheten för digital förvaltning

  • How we test the website

    The company HiQ has carried out an independent review of the Serviceresan app and the web version serviceresan.lanstrafiken.se. They went through all the page templates and performed the review using automated tools. They also used manual methods. This is based on WCAG 2.1 level AA.