If you have travelled by regional or express bus during the day, please contact our Customer Service. We will help you find out which traffic operator to contact. The phone lines for our bus companies are open weekdays, excluding public holidays.
City traffic in Örebro is run by Svealandstrafiken. If you have forgotten something on board, you can contact their lost and found directly. You can contact them via hittegodsorebro@svealandstrafiken.se or by phone: 019 - 760 63 00 between 07.30 am and 11.30 am.
If you have travelled by train, please contact the train operator you travelled with. We have compiled a list of current train operators that run within Örebro County.
List of train operators within Örebro County
Lost property evenings and weekends
If you have lost something of greater value on an evening or weekend, you can contact our Customer Service. This applies during our opening hours.
If you have lost anything outside of our opening hours, you must wait until our Customer Service opens again. The bus driver always goes through the bus at the terminus and hands in found items to his depot.
Contact information Customer Service
Phone: 0771 - 55 30 00
Email: lt.orebro@lanstrafiken.se
Contact us by phone, email and social media:
Monday - Friday 06.00 am - 06.00 pm
Saturday - Sunday 10.00 am - 04.00 pm
Visit us at Resecentrum in Örebro:
Monday - Friday 07.00 am - 05.00 pm
Public holidays - changes in the opening hours
Visiting address: Länstrafikens Kundservice, Resecentrum Örebro, Ö:a Bangatan 1, Örebro
Mailing address: Länstrafiken Örebro, Region Örebro län, Box 1613, 701 16 Örebro