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You can contact us if you have questions about your booking or journey.

Contact information for the Order Center

Phone: 0771 - 92 00 00

Text telephone: 019-670 25 07, 0196702507@tc.bokatolk.se

Visiting address: Klostergatan 23, Örebro

Mailing address: Serviceresor, Region Örebro län, Box 1613, 701 16 Örebro

When you call us, you will have five choices:

  1. If you want to cancel a journey press 1.
  2. If you want to pre-book a journey press 2.
  3. Do you have an opinion on Service Travel press 3. Possible mondays, wednesdays and fridays between 10 am and 12 am.
  4. If you have an invoice question, press 4. Possible weekdays between 10 am and 12 am.
  5. If you want to get in contact with a special transport investigator press 5. Possible mondays, wednesdays and fridays between 10 am and 12 am.

You can contact the Transportation Service Unit (Färdtjänstenheten) if you have questions regarding:

  • The application for a Transportation Service (färdtjänst),
  • A National Transportation Service (riksfärdtjänst),
  • A monthly card for a Transportation Service,

Contact information for Transportation Service

Phone: 0771 - 92 00 00 - press 5

Email: fardtjanstenheten@regionorebrolan.se

If you email us, please do not attach any files to your email. For security reasons, we cannot open attached files.

Opening hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm, excluding public holidays.

Visiting address: Klostergatan 23 

Mailing address: Serviceresor, Region Örebro län, Box 1613, 701 16 Örebro

If you have questions regarding the Patient transport (Sjukresa), you are welcome to contact our Patient Transport Unit (sjukreseenheten).

Contact information for Patient transport

Phone: 020 - 31 43 22

Email: sjukreseenheten@regionorebrolan.se

Opening hours: Weekdays between 10.00 am and 12.00 pm, excluding public holidays.

Visiting address: Klostergatan 23, Örebro

Mailing address: Sjukreseenheten, Region Örebro län, Box 1613, 701 16 Örebro

We from Länstrafiken never call you and ask you to log in via BankID or similar. If someone contacts you by phone, pretends to be from the Transport Service Unit or another part of Länstrafiken and asks you to log in via BankID - don't do it and contact us instead.