Routes that traffic Älvesta (Kumla)
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Due to an ongoing police operation at Campus Risbergska in Örebro, buses will take other routes. Journeys with our service travels may also be affected for travelers due to the police blockades in the area.
If you are traveling by bus - stay updated on the current traffic information.
If you are traveling with service travels, you can see the time for your journey and the service vehicle on a map via our app Serviceresan.
If you have any questions, thoughts, comments or need help - Contact us!
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Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: City, regional buses and trains available in the area.
Price: Prices vary depending on selected validity and price group. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: Select validity for Lindesberg city or Örebro city.
Price: Prices vary depending on which city/municipality you choose. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: Municipality of Karlskoga
Price: Prices vary depending on which city/municipality you choose. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
Validity: 24 hours, Flex 10/40, 30 days, 30 days off-peak
Geographical validity: City and regional traffic available in the area. Regional traffic includes regional and express buses and trains.
Price: Prices vary depending on selected validity and price group. You'll find price info here , Opens in new tab .
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No more departures are available.
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